What is iMarketing?iMarketing also known as internet marketing, web marketing, webvertising or emarketing is the marketing of products or services over the internet. iMarketing can be split up in five different fields that will increase visits to your website from visitors. The main goal is to convert the people who visit your site into leads or customers.
Why use a professional iMarketing company?Companies with successful online business don't just try out iMarketing by themselves. They understand that making use of a professional iMarketing company is the method that will get results. They understand that their iMarketing strategies must aim for the future, which means long-term. In the digital realm, as it has always been in traditional one, the quick-fix strategy doesn't exist. iMarketing is evolving at an incredible pace and we make it our business to stay on top of the leading strategies in our field. That means we are always getting smarter, and in turn, your iMarketing gets smarter and more efficient. Why should I consider iMarketing?Whether you are selling your product online or want to market your company, iMarketing is an effective marketing avenue. Why does iMarketing make sense? Compared with traditional advertising in let's say magazines, magazines will give you a ballpark figure of 0.5% conversion rate. With iMarketing this number is way higher because we will be able to focus in onto your market. The visitors to your website are interested in what you are promoting and we can show you reporting that will prove this. TV, Radio, Print Gradually Losing AudienceStatistics show that people are spending less and less time with traditional mediums of Print, Radio, and Television and more and more time with the web; ideal candidates for a good iMarketing campaign. A recent study conducted by Edison research media shows the percentage of people who indicated they spent less time with each medium:
33%! That means that for Television, 33 out of every 100 people spent less time with Television last year and were sitting on the web. As a business, this also means that your television advertising was 33% less effective than it was in previous years. In other words, if your advertising budget allocated $10,000.00 to television ads, then proportionally, $3,300 of it was wasted dollars. When you consider that most people, will switch stations on the radio when a commercial comes on, that number starts to look even worse. Moving a portion of your marketing budget over to iMarketing makes sense since you will be making your marketing mix more efficient and productive. Since companies on the whole are very slow and reluctant to adapt to this shift in trend, your company stands to gain a significant advantage over your competitors by moving your marketing dollars earlier rather than later. How do I get started?The first step is to have an analysis meeting where we can assess if iMarketing is a fit for your company. If we conclude that this avenue of marketing is a fit for your company we would determine which iMarketing tactics suit your needs. |