Email Marketing CampaignsDo you realize how much power there is in an e-mail? Have you thought about using e-mail as a way to stay in touch with your customers, drive traffic to your site, distribute information to enhance your customer service image, or try to generate sales from existing customers? An e-mail marketing campaign can tip the scales in your favor when the time comes for a person to make a purchasing decision. It can also increase customer satisfaction by providing direct-to-inbox information or updates to any products purchased from your company before and after the sale. Naturally, this increases the chances that they'll buy from you again in the future. We can help. Why ATXTA? It's simple really. We work with you at every stage to be absolutely certain you are happy with the final product by providing you with:
When done correctly, e-mail marketing is one of the most inexpensive methods you can use to increase your bottom line. If you are thinking about using e-mail to existing customers, generate some new ones, or just provide more information to a group of people, selecting a company who knows e-mail marketing can help you avoid mistakes. Some mistakes commonly made:
Avoiding these costly mistakes by partnering with a knowledgeable company will save you time, money, and potential problems down the road. | ![]() |